

The master program equips you with in-depth theoretical and experimental knowledge and skills on the physical and chemical processes that control the behaviour of volcanoes and the related hazard. It provides you with a complete picture of the geological, geochemical, petrochemical and geophysical aspects, concerning both the dynamics of the volcano system and the monitoring of its activity.

wide range of skills

You will develop a wide range of skills, such as acquisition, processing and interpretation of quantitative field and/or laboratory data, application of basic mathematical and statistical description of physical processes, geological mapping, collection, interpretation, representation and spatial analysis of data, volcanic hazard assessment. You will acquire expertise in critical analysis of written reports and scientific papers on cutting-edge topics in volcanology.

Lesson start has been postponed to October 2 2023



1st Year

Choose 12 credits from the following optional units

2nd Year

Choose 6 credits from the following optional units

Find out the timetables of the courses

Customizing the study plan

The first term (Sept-Jan) of the first academic year is devoted to mandatory courses. Starting from the second term of the same year some optional courses can be chosen from a list of courses. The choice is completely free, and should be done in accordance with the student’s inclinations. In the first term of the second year the last optional course is scheduled. The second term of the same year is devoted to research for final dissertation.

Traineeship opportunities

The students are expected to carry out an internship at the INGV-OV or at other INGV offices dealing with volcanology and/or geophysics in volcanic areas as well as at other foreign volcano observatories. Italian Civil Protection offices in Rome are also available to host Volcanology students for internships. This internship familiarises students with a suite of tools and techniques for analysis, including statistical methods, fieldwork methodologies, and monitoring tools. For students that do not need to attend Italian language courses, 6CFU of additional traineeship activities can be recognized upon request to the LM committee.

Graduation thesis

The final thesis (24 ECTR) develops the student’s capability in independent research and will be an opportunity for students to engage in active research questions alongside academic staff and postgraduate students.

With the support of a supervisor, who will provide specialist guidance and training, the student will design and execute a research activity, using research tools and numerical models and /or geophysical data. The student will produce a scientific report for the final assessment.

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