Physical Volcanology
Advanced Volcanology: The principles of magma discharge, degassing and fragmentation and their control on eruption mechanisms. Classification schemes for common eruption types and styles
Leading scientists from University of Napoli Federico II and INGV – Vesuvian Observatory in Napoli joined together to offer a cutting-edge two-year master course.
Advanced Volcanology: The principles of magma discharge, degassing and fragmentation and their control on eruption mechanisms. Classification schemes for common eruption types and styles
Processes of genesis and differentiation of magmas. Physical and chemical behaviour of magmas and their constituents at variable pressure and high temperature.
Advanced Volcanology: The principles of magma discharge, degassing and fragmentation and their control on eruption mechanisms. Classification schemes for common eruption types and styles
Fundamental Equations and their solutions. Body and surface waves properties. Seismic signals and their classification. Sources and waves propagation features. Focal mechanisms and Moment Tensor. Seismic Energy: definition and measurements. Earthquakes Statistics. Seismometry. Seismic networks – Positioning, Earth rotation and
The methods of Applied Geophysics (their classification and applications): airborne and ground magnetic, electromagnetic and gravity surveys, satellite remote sensing, GPS network, and resistivity and seismic surveys. Procedures and techniques of prospections and organization of a geophysical survey in volcanic
Bayesian and Frequentists probabilistic framework in stochastic modeling and inverse problems; Review of linear algebra, statistical, differential equations, solutions of fundamental equations; Data analysis and hypothesis testing; Basic MATLAB programming.
Volcanotectonics is a multidisciplinary scientific field that joins the principles and methods of structural geology, tectonics, geodesy, and physics to volcanological research. Introduction to volcanotectonics. Methods of volcanotectonics (structural geology, models, remote sensing, geodesy). Deformation related to magmatic intrusion. Volcanotectonic
Classifications of slope movements. Landslide causes and triggers. Landslides typical of volcanic and peri-volcanic areas: role of matric suction. Methods for slope stability analyses. Landslide monitoring and remedial measures. Landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk.
Main volcanic landforms and their evolution; reconstruction and morphometric characterization of monogenetic cones (tuff/cinder/scoria cone and rings) and complex volcanic edifices (basaltic plateaux, volcanic fields, shield volcanoes, strato-volcanoes, fissure volcanoes; calderas) by means of remote sensing and GIS-based morphometric analysis.
Introduction to Geographical Information System (GIS) and use of open-source GIS software. Introduction to proximal remote sensing monitoring techniques and their application. Elements of topography. Instruments and technologies for topographic survey: Total Station (TS), Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS), terrestrial photogrammetry,
The history of experimental petrology and the main techniques employed in the experimental study of magmatic processes: high-T furnace, quench and gas-mixing furnace, cold-seal vessel, internally heated gas vessel, piston cylinder, multi-anvil, diamond anvil etc. Experimental petrology and phase diagrams:
Despite their reputation as agents of destruction, explosive volcanoes are the most effective preservers of ancient human traces and their environmental context. Apart from providing valuable time markers, large-volume eruptions can quickly and thoroughly bury settlements and artifacts, soils and
Geophysical monitoring: Seismic sensors, seismic data acquisitions instruments and techniques, how to project and realize a volcanic seismic network, seismic analyses for monitoring and surveillance on active volcanoes,
Elements of transport theory (mass, momentum and energy balance). Gas solubility in volcanic melts, exsolution, crystallization. Rheological models (density, viscosity, Newtonian and non-Newtonian rheology, the effect of bubbles and crystals, Bingham fluids). Heat transfer (conduction, convection, radiation). Magma chamber and
The probabilistic approach to volcanic hazard (PVHA) and eruption forecasting; physical modeling of the impact of volcanic eruptions (lava flows, ash dispersal, pyroclastic flows, gas emissions, volcano lakes, mud flows, tsunamis). The conditional PVHA: Eruption scenarios. Effects of eruptions on
The first part of the course will provide: a) an overview of the hydrogeological features of different volcanic systems (active and non-active, coastal, insular, peninsular and continental volcanic aquifers); b) conceptual models of groundwater flow in volcanic systems and its
The course will deal with applications of radiogenic and stable isotope geochemistry in conjunction with major and trace-element geochemistry to a great variety of volcanological and petrological issues. The main applications will include:
radiometric dating of igneous and metamorphic rocks;
This program includes a short theoretical introduction and regular fieldwork with faculty guidance. Data collected on the field course will be used in later parts of the module. The emphasis is on understanding the processes underpinning volcanism and eruption styles,
For the admission to the MSc in Volcanology students are required a basic knowledge of basic fields as geoscience, general and inorganic chemistry, physics, mathematics.
To enroll in the master program, you need
The graduate program can enroll students holding a certificate of proficiency in English internationally recognized. English level B2, i.e. the fourth level of English on the CEFR scale, is the minimum required. If the English language level is not officially recognized, a placement test can be supported by teachers of the course.